Ready for GDPR

Over the past six months, Pyze has been busy preparing for the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), the most comprehensive privacy regulation in the last twenty years. The legislation goes into effect on May 25, 2018 and our Product and Engineering teams have been diligently working to ensure compliance for Pyze as a Data Processor and giving our customers the tools they need as Data Controllers.  We’ve made changes to the data we collect across all Digital Platforms, how we store user data, and added automation to enable user opt-out of data collection or deletion of users. Most of the changes we’ve made have been behind the scenes but there are a few important changes that we want to highlight.

Providing Users Better Control of their Data

One of GDPR’s core precepts is giving individuals whose data is being collected, the power to control who can access or not access their data. Pyze has added functionality to allow our Customers to respect granular controls regarding User data privacy rights across all the digital platforms. Customers can use the Pyze SDK to flag that a particular User has requested that their data not be processed, in which case Pyze will no longer process data on behalf of that User till such time the User decides to re-enable data collection. Pyze also provides functionality in the Pyze SDK that enables Users to request that their data be forgotten by Pyze. Details of these capabilities and how to implement them for each Platform can be found in the User Privacy section of each Platform’s documentation. Our customers can also submit appropriate requests to Pyze relating to European Users’ exercise of their rights of access, rectification, erasure, or restriction under GDPR.

Providing Users Better Accountability & Advocacy

We’re excited about the sweeping changes being ushered in by GDPR because they are a huge move forward for User privacy and data security. Pyze has customers across the globe and we look forward to continuing to work with regulators in each continent to ensure that data collected is used to enhance each user’s experience of services they enjoy in a respectful manner and in accordance with each user’s preferences. In accordance with GDPR guidelines, we’ve appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to serve as the voice of the end user and ensure we always remain up-to-date on privacy regulations and our customer and end-user data is safe and protected.

Providing Users Better Control of their Preferences

To ensure, we’re following GDPR guidelines, we’ve added easily accessible communication preferences that allow users to decide which app reports, newsletters, tutorials, or updates they want to receive. We’ve always respected user preferences but we’ve used the GDPR compliance process to consolidate all user communication preferences in one place.

For any inquiries related to GDPR, please contact Pyze at